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Heather’s Hues April 2022 Duo

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Hello nail friends! Today’s blog post is for the newest monthly duo from Heather’s Hues. I am really excited to share these polishes because one of the polishes just might be my new favorite magnetic polish EVER.

Just a heads-up, the video to this post was supposed to go up tonight (it’ll be up tomorrow). I spent the afternoon today trying to get my septum jewelry back in my nose, failing, and then driving to all of the local piercing shops in my area trying to find someone to get the jewelry back in for me. 3 shops later, I still haven’t gotten it back in and am probably going to have to repierce it. *sigh*

The April duo is available right now on the Heather’s Hues website. At the time of posting, the March duo is also still available! As always links and sale details can be found at the end of the post.

Live Swatch Video

Heather’s Hues is a US based indie brand. Their polishes are in 15ml bottles, 5 free, cruelty free and vegan friendly.

Dew Petals

Description: an iron blue base packed with holo and the magnetic multichrome pigment shifts from violet to pink to orange-gold. It also had a touch of gold-silver metallic flakes
Price: $12.50 for 15ml

Dew Petals had an amazing formula. I was in shock at how color shifty this polish is! In person, I was seeing a a violet, pink, gold to green at extreme angles. My jaw was on the floor while I was swatching this one!

The base is a dark blue that has a hint of grey to it. It was also very opaque. You will want to magnetize this one in order to best see the holographic. This polish is also *very* holographic. I will have some outdoor shots in my live swatch video.

My photos show Dew Petals in 3 coats plus top coat. It was opaque on me in 2 coats so I added the third coat to magnetize the polish. My ring finger is unmagnetized.

As I type this polish, I am wearing it on my Cindy hand in 2 coats. I will say the polish will be a 2-3 coater depending on personal preference. I honestly don’t see a difference in opacity but the nails on my dominant hand are shorter than my swatch hand.

Rainbow Sky

Description: an ultramarine jelly filled with a rainbow mix of iridescent color-shifting flakes and a kiss of holo flakes
Price: $12.50 for 15ml

Rainbow Sky had a beautiful formula. It felt slightly on the thicker side or normal but I didn’t have any problems with application. The flakies all spread out very evenly and easily without giving off texture. I did have a few larger flakies out on my nail but those also didn’t dry textured.

The base color for this polish is somewhere denim and ultramarine blue in my opinion. Paired with a rainbow of flakies, it’s really gorgeous. I also loved this one matte! The holographic is on the more delicate side.

My photos show Rainbow Sky in 3 coats plus both glossy and matte top coat. To reach full opacity, you will want to go in for 3 coats. Removal won’t be overly difficult but the flakies will be messy if you scrub this one off.

I thought for sure I had a Heather’s Hues polish similar to this in my collection but I couldn’t find anything with a similar base color.

Final Thoughts

I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone that I LOVED this month’s duo! Dew Petals was the standout top pick for me. I cannot stress enough how much I loved that polish. I’m looking at it right now as I type this and I’m still in shock.

Rainbow Sky was also beautiful (come on, there is a rainbow of flakies!) but magnetic multichrome is what stood out to me. I dare say Dew Petals is my new favorite magnetic polish.

Heather’s Hues
15ml, 5 free, Vegan & Cruelty Free
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group

Sale Information

The April duo is available right now on the Heather’s Hues website. Each polish is available for $12.50 or you can snag both polishes for $25. Like I mentioned earlier, at the time I am posting this (Saturday) the March duo is also available. I expect the list for March will be taken down on Monday so if you haven’t grabbed those yet, now’s your last chance!

Also just because I placed my lotion and acetone additive order yesterday, Heather just updated the website with new scents for spring! One of my favorite scents, Peeps, made a return this year.

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